Flag Rally June 14, 2019

On Friday June 14, 2019, BCRW hosted a Flag Rally  from 12 noon to 1 p.m.  at 2045 NW 9th St., Corvallis (Bi Mart Parking Lot). 

FLAGS were flying!

Armed Forces Day May 18, 2019


2017 GOP Float in Albany's Veterans Day Parade

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On Saturday, November 11, 2017, Benton and Linn County Republicans participated in Albany's Veterans Day Parade with a float entry and lots of enthusiasm to show our veterans how much their service to this great country means. BCRW members assisted with design, decorating and riding on the float.

The Veterans Commemoration Associations' parade theme for 2017 was "Honoring Our Women Veterans, It's Time We Honor Them All." BCRW's Benton Buttoneers were commissioned to design and make 500 theme buttons for the VCA. BCRW always makes buttons to honor veterans at the parade and did so again this year with "Honoring All Who've Served." PJ's husband, Garland, passed out the buttons.

Participants: (Benton County) Louanna Oliver and son Bobby; Chair Betsy Close, Stella Guenther, John Detweiler, Garland & PJ Hunter, Arden Ray, Jean & Charles Nelson, and Kristie Hernandez with daughter Izzy and friends Laell, Cheyenne and Alondra. (Linn County) Michael Wynhausen, Dale Hummel (photographer), Joe Bullard, Jim Vause, Sr., Mary Grimes and Alma Lee. (Other) Jerell from Lane County also joined us with a large Trump flag. Along the route another Republican climbed aboard to finish the parade with us.

All showered veterans with love and enthusiastic shouts of appreciation, while the more energetic walked with the float passing out buttons and candy along the way. The float was this years' 2nd Place winner. Alondra shows off the trophy in a photo. Zumi (dog) rode along too.

From S. Thomas Lewis
This is the link to the Veterans Day Parade at the Republican Float: https://youtu.be/QCIC6nPLDfg?t=57m21s

2017 BCRW Constitution Day Flag Rally

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Between 12 Noon and 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 16th, Benton County Republican Women sponsored a flag rally, which was held in front of the Benton County Courthouse to celebrate the 230th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787. Donna Hammond of Prineville Oregon, stopped by to thank the participants for honoring our very special constitution and she joined the group for a photo. Participating were Carolyn and Bob Webb, Donna Hammond, John Detweiler, Charlotte Vickers, Stella Guenther and PJ Hunter. BCRW President Jean Nelson was attending the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) 39th Biennial Convention in Philadelphia, otherwise, she and Charles Nelson would have attended the rally as well to honor and support the Constitution of the United States of America! [FLYER]

In his book, Rediscovering Americanism, Mark R. Levin describes how Progressive ideology has eroded individual liberty in favor of egalitarianism and threatens the constitutional goverment of our republic. Regarding future generations, he poses the question, "What will they say about us? Will they say that we were a wise and conscientious people who understood and appreciated the blessings of our existence and surroundings and prudentially and conscientiously cared for them; or will they say we were a self-indulgent and inattentive people, easily shepherded in one direction or another, who stole the future from our own children and generations yet born, and squanderd an irreplaceable heritage?"

2017 BCRW Constitution Day Library Display

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As a "Caring for America" project, Benton County Republican Women present a Constitution Day poster in honor of the signing of the U.S. Constitution. The poster will be on display from September 11-29 at the Philomath Community Library. See the text included in the display HERE.

2017 BCRW Booth at the Benton County Fair

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Benton County Republican Women and Benton County Republicans were neighbors at the Benton County Fair, which ran August 2-5, 2017. The BCRW booth again featured the U.S. History Game, which attracted young people from elementary school to young adults as they tested their knowledge on the Founders, Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government, true or false questions and so forth winning a piece of candy or a patriotic sticker for correct answers. Volunteers working in the booth had a wonderful opportunity to talk to women about membership in the BCRW, sell patriotic buttons and offer ice-cold water to fair goers during a heatwave that hit the area at fair time. Many thanks to all the volunteers for staffing the booth during the fair.

2017 BCRW Summer Potluck Picnic

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The Benton County Republican Women's annual potluck picnic for 2017 was held at the lovely home of Charline King amid her beautiful summer flowers. Linda Bartcher assisted Charline in organizing the event and Bre Miller, president of Corvallis Knights was the featured speaker.

2017 - BCRW helps with Benton GOP Float in July 8th Philomath Main Street Parade

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Benton County Republican Women participated in the Philomath parade with Benton County Republicans on July 8th, 2017. There was excitement in the air as everyone pitched in to help decorate the float. The turnout was terrific and the weather was absolutely perfect for a parade. Enthusiastic flag wavers and sign holders called out, "We love America," chanted "USA, USA, USA," and left the words "Liberty" and "Freedom" wafting in the wind. With places like North Korea and Venezuela in the news lately as reminders that freedoms of the people can be lost to dictatorial power, the float was decorated with some of America's first principles, which must always be protected.

We offer a huge thank you to these fantastic Republicans for their participation: Nic & Louanna Oliver (drivers), Jessica Paulsen, Trinity Paulsen (age 4) and JR, Jeff Limón, John Detweiler, Stella Guenther, Jean & Charles Nelson, Kristie Hernandez, Izzy Hernandez and friend Layell (great helpers/passed out candy), Jerry & Arden Ray, and Garland & PJ Hunter. Doggies Sassy and Zumi were also aboard the float.

2017 - BCRW celebrates 4th of July with Benton GOP

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Benton County Republican Women celebrated Independence Day with Benton County Republicans by participating in the Corvallis All-American Anyone Can Join, Fabulous, Fantastic Fourth of July Parade followed by a fun BBQ & Potluck at the Troop 3 Scout Cabin. Kristie Hernandez organized the BBQ. Due to camera failure, there is little coverage of these events, for which PJ apologizes. If anyone has pictures, please let me know. Thank you.

Corvallis Gazette-Times Article: Corvalliis celebrates Independence Day
Corvallis Gazette-Times Gallery: Corvallis Fourth of July Parade

2017 Flag Day Rally - June 14, Corvallis, OR

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The Benton County Republican Women sponsored a non-partisan flag rally to celebrate Flag Day on June 14th! We heard and saw a lot of patriotic horn honking and energetic waving in response to the beautiful USA flags billowing on the corners of 9th Street and Walnut Boulevard in Corvallis, Oregon. Flag wavers for this event were Bob and Carolyn Webb, John Detweiler, Stella Guenther, PJ Hunter, and Charles and Jean Nelson. S. Thomas Lewis dropped by to join us. See his video of Flag Day in Corvallis!

2017 Armed Forces Day Tribute

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The Benton County Republican Women sponsored this May 20, 2017 flag rally along Kings Boulevard in front of the National Guard Armory to pay tribute to and express appreciation for all the men and women serving in the United States Armed Forces. There was a lot of enthusiastic waving and car honking in honor of our Troops! - Thank you, Corvallis! Flag wavers for this event were John Detweiler, PJ Hunter, Lou Copes, Don Copes, Jean Nelson and Charles Nelson.

2016 BCRW Christmas Party & Luncheon

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The Benton County Republican Women met at the Adair Clubhouse on Monday, December 12, 2016 for their annual Christmas Party. Jean Nelson, President, called the meeting to order at 12 Noon and Stella Guenther, BCRW member and Chaplain of the Oregon Federation of Republican Women, gave an invocation and lead the Pledge of Allegiance. A lovely buffet luncheon by Valley Catering, followed. After lunch, Jean praised the great successes Republicans enjoyed in the November 8, 2016 Elections. She reported, "Not since the 1920's have Republicans won such a decisive victory in a national election! Republicans now have 2 out of 3 governorships in the whole nation! In State legislatures, Republicans control 55.5% of all seats and Democrats control 42.8%. Our biggest win was electing Donald J. Trump as president of the United States!" Jean then added, "Let's celebrate!" Just then, PJ Hunter announced that President-Elect Donald J. Trump, who is traveling the country on his Thank Your Tour, had arrived. Sporting his familiar red "Make America Great Again" cap, Mr. Trump spoke briefly, in his unique style, and gave credit to the Republican Women for their part in his H-U-U-U-G-E victory.

Regarding Oregon elections, Jean noted that electing Dennis Richardson to Secretary of State was quite an accomplishment for it has been 40 years since a Republican held that office. She announced that Mr. Richardson has invited all to his swearing-in ceremony at 11:00 a.m. on December 30th, in the Senate Chambers of the Oregon Capitol. Jean also offered congratulations to Sen. Brian Boquist, Rep. Andy Olson and Rep. Mike Nearman on their reelections to the Oregon State Legislature.

Felicia Ehlen, librarian and acting director of the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library, joined the BCRW for lunch and Jean presented five books to Ms. Ehlen from the club. The books were, Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg, Trust Betrayed by Scott Taylor, American Exceptionalism by Charles Murray and two hardbound copies of Adair Diary by long-time club member, Charline King.

Due to scheduling mixup, Jean Nelson presented Acupressure Facial and the Benefits of Massage, giving step-by-step directions on self-facial acupressure as members and guests followed along, pressing, tapping, rubbing and scratching their heads and faces (should have gotten pictures of this).

BCRW offers much thanks to Charline King for chairing this event,  to Linda Bartcher for the festive table decorations, and to Associate Member, John Detweiler, for playing Mr. Trump and for always being a good sport.

BCRW 2016 Christmas Wreath & Swag Sale

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Download BCRW 2016 Order Form

The Benton County Republican Women’s hand decorated Christmas wreaths and swags are made of fresh Douglas and Noble Fir with mixed evergreens, pinecones, chestnuts, a lovely large bow and much more. No two are alike! These beautiful pieces will add the perfect touch to your holiday décor! The price is $35 for a 22" wreath or swag and $40 for our new 24" wreath. Proceeds go to the BCRW's “Caring for America” projects, primarily the Dictionary Project. CONTACT PERSON: Stella Guenther | h: (541) 929-5382, m: (541) 602-1737.

2016 BCRW Constitution Day Flag Rally

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Benton County Republican Women sponsored a flag rally to celebrate Constitution Day and the September 17, 1787 signing of the Constitution of the United States of America. Braving the weather were Jean Nelson, Charles Nelson, Susan Newby, John Detweiler and PJ Hunter.

2016 Republican Booths at the Benton County Fair

Photos courtesy of Jerry Jackson and Art Robinson for Congress - Click photo to view album (6 images)

The Benton County Republican Women and the Benton County Republican Central Committee had booths next to each other with the BCRW giving away candy for correct answers to U.S. History questions determined by a spin of the wheel, while next door, the BCRCC promoted Donald Trump for President and the Republican candidates running for national, state and local offices.

2016 Flag Day Rally

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On Tuesday, June 14, 2016, the Benton County Republican Women of Oregon sponsored a Flag Day Rally at the corners of 9th Street and Circle Boulevard in Corvallis, Oregon. It's always a pleasure to participate in this patriotic event with beautiful USA flags flying. There were lots of honks and waves from passing cars from all directions at the intersection, which made the rally exciting.

See video by S. Thomas Lewis!

2016 BCRW Garage Sale

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On April 30th and May 7th, Benton County Republican Women held a garage sale to raise funds for The Dictionary Project. The sale raised a bit over half of the cost estimated for dictionaries for this fall. Many thanks are due to those who organized the sale, contributed goods to the sale and those who worked the sale. Special thanks to Debbie Thorpe for so generously providing the venue in downtown Philomath! Finally, we thank all who shopped our sale.

Since 2004, the BCRW has distributed nearly 12,000 dictionaries to area 4th grade students. We thank Stella Guenther for her dedication to this worthy project and to those who have assisted her over the years.

2016 BCRW Presidents' Day Library Display

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Every February since 2010, the Benton County Republican Women have submitted a poster with display materials for Presidents' Day for exhibition on the main floor of the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library. The 2016 presentation features quotes by Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln as well as interesting historical details regarding these most honorable presidents. We hope you'll visit the library and view our presentation, which will be on display February 1st thru 14th. (see PDF showing selected text for 2016).

2015 BCRW Christmas Party

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On Monday, December 14th, Benton County Republican Women met at the Adair Clubhouse for their annual Christmas Party, which included installation of officers for the 2016-2017 biennium and a lovely luncheon buffet by Valley Catering. The featured speaker was Jeremy Woodall, Program Director at the beautiful new Allworth Veteran's Home in Lebanon, Oregon. In the spirit of Christmas, guests brought a generous array of gifts for the veterans from a list of needed items.

2015 Appreciation Dinner (BCRCC)

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On Thursday, November 19th, the Benton County Republicans held their annual "We the People" Appreciation Dinner at The Clubhouse in Adair Village with a nice buffet dinner by Valley Catering. Chairman Jerry Jackson welcomed all and announced that he has filed to run for County Commissioner. He introduced Carolyn Webb, president of Benton County Republican Women and Stella Guenther Immediate Past President and extended thanks to the BCRW for all the work they do. Carolyn spoke briefly and Stella informed attendees about the Dictionary Project and that the Club is selling Christmas Wreaths and Swags to support this important project. As the new Precinct Committee Person Chair, Jacob Vandever fired up the PCP's. Bill Currier, chair of the Oregon Republican Party was the featured speaker and he presented a very positive message for the 2016 elections. State Representative Mike Nearman spoke briefly on potential headway for Republicans in the Oregon House. Jo Rae Perkins, candidate for U.S. House talked about her conservative values and asked guests for their vote. Heartfelt appreciation went to the guests attending the dinner for they are the wonderful local Republicans, who serve as PCP's or  spend time, energy and give valuable support to the Republican party year in and year out; and the Oregon State University College Republicans, who are eager and enthusiastic to make a difference in GOP politics on campus and in the community.

2015 Veterans Day Parade, Albany, Oregon

Caption: Marine Jim Vause salutes the viewing stand while riding on the Linn-Benton Republican float.
Photo by Mark Ylen, courtesy of Democrat-Herald

On Veterans Day, Thursday, November 11, 2015, Benton County Republicans and Linn County Republicans paid tribute to all U.S. Veterans with their joint float entry in the 64th Annual Veterans Day Parade in Albany, Oregon. The parade was organized by the Veterans Commemoration Association and they did a spectacular job again this year! The parade theme was Veterans: "STARS Unlimited - STRIPES United." Benton County Republican Women made 1400 Veterans Day parade theme buttons to pass out to Veterans and children. Parade watchers turned out in huge numbers to show their respect for America's veterans. Early morning decorators from both Linn and Benton Republicans did a fantastic job readying the float for the parade start at 11:00 a.m.. Pulling the float was Louanna Oliver. Riding the float and waving U.S. Flags (veterans shown with branch in which they served) were John Detweiler (U.S. Navy), Charles Nelson (U.S. Air Force), Jean Nelson, Kim Rowe, PJ Hunter, Garland Hunter (U.S. Marine Corps), Mary Grimes and Jim Vause, Sr. (U.S. Marine Corps). Walking with the float and passing out buttons were Michael Wynhausen (Chair, Linn County Republicans) and Stella Guenther. See large collection of 2015 parade photos at the Democrat-Herald. S. Thomas Lewis posted videos of the parade on YouTube: 1 of 4 | 2 of 4 | 3 of 4 (Republican float first 16 seconds) | 4 of 4.

BCRW Oct. 2015 - Pat Dysart's Walk Across Australia

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On Monday, October 26, 2015, Benton County Republican Women met at King Tin Restaurant in Corvallis for a no-host luncheon and general meeting. With a stunning slideshow, retired OSU researcher and BCRW member, Dr. Pat Dysart, detailed her 1988, six-month, science based walk across the Australian continent that landed her in the Guinness Book of World Records. Pat field-tested 40 consumer products and planted two million coolabah trees on the trek. Out of the camel train of 15, Sam and Chuluk were featured in Pat's presentation for their distinctly different personalities. The same is true for human personalities, as we learned. Some participants made the trek, or partial legs thereof, for different reasons, which led to some (humorous to us) conflicts. BCRW members and guests enjoyed this record-making travelogue tremendously. On Nov. 3, 2015, the Corvallis Gazette-Times featured Dr. Dysart's trip on the front-page as one of the paper's The Story Next Door series under the title The Long Walk.