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The Benton County Republican Women met at the Adair Clubhouse on Monday, December 12, 2016 for their annual Christmas Party. Jean Nelson, President, called the meeting to order at 12 Noon and Stella Guenther, BCRW member and Chaplain of the Oregon Federation of Republican Women, gave an invocation and lead the Pledge of Allegiance. A lovely buffet luncheon by Valley Catering, followed. After lunch, Jean praised the great successes Republicans enjoyed in the November 8, 2016 Elections. She reported, "Not since the 1920's have Republicans won such a decisive victory in a national election! Republicans now have 2 out of 3 governorships in the whole nation! In State legislatures, Republicans control 55.5% of all seats and Democrats control 42.8%. Our biggest win was electing Donald J. Trump as president of the United States!" Jean then added, "Let's celebrate!" Just then, PJ Hunter announced that President-Elect Donald J. Trump, who is traveling the country on his Thank Your Tour, had arrived. Sporting his familiar red "Make America Great Again" cap, Mr. Trump spoke briefly, in his unique style, and gave credit to the Republican Women for their part in his H-U-U-U-G-E victory.
Regarding Oregon elections, Jean noted that electing Dennis Richardson to Secretary of State was quite an accomplishment for it has been 40 years since a Republican held that office. She announced that Mr. Richardson has invited all to his swearing-in ceremony at 11:00 a.m. on December 30th, in the Senate Chambers of the Oregon Capitol. Jean also offered congratulations to Sen. Brian Boquist, Rep. Andy Olson and Rep. Mike Nearman on their reelections to the Oregon State Legislature.
Felicia Ehlen, librarian and acting director of the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library, joined the BCRW for lunch and Jean presented five books to Ms. Ehlen from the club. The books were,
Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg,
Trust Betrayed by Scott Taylor,
American Exceptionalism by Charles Murray and two hardbound copies of
Adair Diary by long-time club member, Charline King.
Due to scheduling mixup, Jean Nelson presented Acupressure Facial and the Benefits of Massage, giving step-by-step directions on self-facial acupressure as members and guests followed along, pressing, tapping, rubbing and scratching their heads and faces (should have gotten pictures of this).
BCRW offers much thanks to Charline King for chairing this event, to Linda Bartcher for the festive table decorations, and to Associate Member, John Detweiler, for playing Mr. Trump and for always being a good sport.
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